There is a new software version 3.3.4 available.
- fix weld counter, it can cow count up to 65535
- add over volatge warning when input voltage is 14.5 V or higher
It is available on my Github: Arduino Spot Welder V3.3.4 Software
Update Procedure
To upload the software to the Arduino Nano you can use the Software Installation Tutorial for V3.3.2. Its exactley the same procedure for this new V3.3.4
When you update from an older V3 sofware you need to perform a full reset of the welder through the system menu after the update. Otherwise the welder will not work properly.
The improved Weld Counter

In earlier versions the weld counter could “only” count up to 10.000 welds and did then automatically reset to zero. Now it can count up to 65535 before it will automatically reset.
The High Voltage Warning

The welder can handle input voltages up to 14V for safe operation. People sometimes forgot about this and managed to blow up their welders. Because of this a high voltage warnig has been implemented. It will be triggered if the input voltage is above 14.5V .
Hello. 9mOhm resistor, to count amp. Its wire from battery to board + wire from board to welder tips, for both and + resistance aluminum ( all FETs open?). Thanks.
And if somebody make its by self, founded 1 bug. I’m usuning 4.04 voltage divide, and off sets low, then 0. Its store like 65500 value, and show wrong data. ( I add extra -10 to voltage reading place).
The 9 mOhm resistance is meaured from the end of the positive welding cable, through the negative welding cable, through the welder with fets open.
But the amp rading it shows in the measurement screen is not super accurate since the resistance can change quite a bit depending how good contact the welding tips have to the nickel strip and how far apart they are placed.
That can end up in the amp reading being about +- 100A off.
hi, i am having major issues since last update. i have followed instructions to the letter.
installed new software. but i keep getting messages saying voltage at 0.1v and then next it will read high voltage at 16.8v. even though i have done a reset and a battery recalibration. what do you suggest to fix this?
i have just re downloaded 3.3.3 and tried that and im getting the exact same issue? was fine untill i tried updating it. any ideas of the cause?
another update. i have set all the Adafruit SSD1306 V1.2.9 back to this version, along with the Adafruit GFX V1.5.3. just incase the newer versions where having issues, but made no difference. it apears the issue is with the battery calibration data. its not storing it correctly. i set it at 10v when it was reading 10v from my psu, and it would read 9v, so i upped the psu voltage to 14v and calibrated it to 14v and when restarting it it comes up with 4.1v.
i cant use this anymore
Maybe the data in the eeprom of your Arduino Nano got messed up somehow. Did you try to completely delete the eeprom once ?
I have the same problem, update to 3.3.4 and then the voltage calibration not store the value
I downloaded the zip file V3.3.4 but the file still needs a password to open it. I need to open the file to access the upgrade, so please let me have the information.
I have just completed the assembly of the kit you sent me, and it was pretty straight-forward. The only suggestion I have, is that the housing for the boards should have had a place to zip tie the foot peddle switch onto. The cable is relatively long and heavy just to dangle on the two thin wires that go to the circuit board (in my opinion).
On another matter, since my first writing to you, I have been receiving strange emails from other sources that look like phishing links. I have deleted them all and blocked that sender; however, it is troubling.
I just checked. There is no password on the zip file. Just to make sure I reuploaded it.
You used this one right ?
Thanks for the suggestion for a zip tie mount. Will check if it can be implemented. As a quick fix you could use the cooling openings in the housing to fix the cable with a zip tie.
The email spam problem is strange. I have not heard about this from any other customer yet. But i will perform a security check on the mail system to make sure there is no problem.
pData.batteryOffset += (int16_t)measuredVoltage – (int16_t)batteryVoltage;
if batt vottage > meansured .
offset <0, and safe to eeprom 65555 or something like this.
batteryVoltage = (uint8_t)( analogRead( PIN_BATT_V ) * 5.0 * 4.03 * 10.0 /
1023.0 + pData.batteryOffset );
will test it if decrease * 4.03 (voltage divider)
Thank you for the update, Marc!
FYI, updated Adafruit libraries (SSD1306 2.3.0 and GFX 1.9.0) seem to work perfectly.
When I memorized version 3.3.4 the display shows me rotated 180 degrees, the welding counter started at 1530.
You need to do a full reset in the sytem menu when you updated from an earlier version to V3.3.4
I delete it every time. Whichever version that uplaud behaves the same. does not reset the welding counter and the screen is rotated 180 degrees.I also have a problem with setting the time in ms.
I delete it every time. Whichever version that uplaud behaves the same. does not reset the welding counter and the screen is rotated 180 degrees.I also have a problem with setting the time in ms.
“You need to do a full reset in the sytem menu” .It should be done with an arduino program or something else.
Its in the spot welder software. See the Quick Start Guide -> Chapter “The System Menu”
Alternatively you can also delete the eeprom of the Arduino once by uploading this code:
Then reupload the spot welder software.
That will have the same efect as the “full reset” in the system menu.
Ok I will try thank you.
Thanks Marc, after your instructions, everything worked.